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Month: October 2021

Camera RAW editing coming to the iPad!

When it comes to creative endeavors, I’ve always been of the mind that you’d have to pry my laptop out of my cold dead hands. Don’t get me wrong, I love my iPad, but I’m a bit old school when it comes to creative tech. I like having all the power and flexibility a laptop affords over the often clunky controls of a tablet.

But I have to admit, I’m pretty excited to see RAW editing come to Adobe Photoshop on the iPad. I’m already a bit of a convert with Lightroom, especially when I’ve gone photo shooting in the field. I like being able to just take my iPad in my camera bag, load up my Nikon RAW files and start going to town on my photos right there on site.

Having that ability in Photoshop as well is going to be huge for me, especially when it comes to painting out all those pesky tourists from my fall color photos. I might even leave my seven-pound behemoth of a laptop in the office a little more.